Friday, September 25, 2009

Cleary Mission Statement

Good Morning. For those of you coming here via my e-mail from Mom's Group...welcome. For those of you who just happened on my blog, or if you read it regularly...let me fill you in. I challenged myself and a group of women from my mom's group to write a family mission statement.
I, in no way want to take credit for the handout (the one I gave out at Mom's group) or the amazing ideas I will be sharing... I can only take credit for being organized enough to share them with you. :)
Simple Mom is the site where I got 99% of all the info I shared about the creation of a mission statement for your family. Another great site for info on writing a mission statement is here.
As you will read below... I pretty much copied the mission statement from Simple Mom blog and I tweeked it to fit my family. It is all about simplifying... not making this a complicated process.
Have fun creating yours... xoxo

Cleary Family Mission Statement
As a family we will...

Put each other first
  • diligently do our chores without complaining
  • help each other as we see a need
  • take each other's emotions seriously
  • be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry
Cultivate deep relationships with one another
  • eat almost every dinner together
  • go on weekly dates as a couple
  • spend one-on-one time regularly, each parent with each kid
  • guard our outside commitments, and do our best to keep four nights per week unscheduled
Extend love to those around us
  • keep our home tidy enough to welcome spontaneous guests
  • have on family, couple or individual over for a meal per month
  • regularly communicate with our friends
  • cultivate a heart of grace, so that we do not judge others
  • practice forbearance while parenting our 3 young kids
Live Simply
  • continue working on becoming debt free
  • provide enough tie for each of us to pursue one hobby
  • make homemaking a priority, taking care to plan ahead of things (budgeting, meal planning, etc. )
  • keep our home clutter free so it is our peaceful haven
  • generally pursue excellence as we steward our time, talents and treasures
Be true to what God made us
  • regularly spend time with God through a devotional, reading the Bible and in prayer
  • pray for each other daily
  • provide ample room for each others interest
  • encourage excellence in goldly pursuits
  • encourage our children to live the purpose God created for them
Take care of our health
  • eat food our bodies were designed to eat
  • eat most of our meals at home
  • move physically at least once a day (make a fitness goal)
  • spend time together actively
  • vigorously protect the boundaries of bedtimes for children and adults
Be good stewards of creation
  • spend time outside as a family at least once a week
  • do what we can to be good stewards of the environment
  • take a vacation, and make sure that much of it involves the outdoors
  • enjoy nature in everyday life with things like gardening and neighborhood walks
Be lifelong learners
  • regularly read quality books
  • learn new things together as a family
  • take care to enjoy only quality books, movies and other forms of entertainment
  • understand the times in which we live, and keep abreast on what God is doing worldwide
the Cleary Family

1 comment:

Bernadette said...

If you want to dig a little deeper into your family mission, you could check out We made this with the idea of creating your family mission for now and for the long haul. Kudos to you for getting it all together!