Sunday, February 10, 2008


I did it!!! (4:46min and something) goal was 5 hours, so I was excited I came in almost 15 minutes under!!
run on.


Moments In Time said...

Congratulations. What a tremendous goal to achieve. Way to go. Patty

Charlene said...

YOU ROCK!!!! One down one to go...what time do you need for Boston? We could start a "send Nikki to Boston fund" :-)

Cathy said...

Congratulations!!! You are amazing. And to do it in that amount of time. I would take me double that! Cathy

mama j said...

WOW! Was this for "practice" or did you race this weekend? Amazing! So proud of you! I'm w/ Charlene--Boston or bust! (My former science teacher/track coach ran in the DC one and we "ran" along side of him at various points-that one is cool too!)

Anonymous said...

You truly are a frickin' rock star! You go on with your bad ol' self! I would bronze my running shoes if I were you!
